Listings in: Guided Imagery & Creative Visualization

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Theresa Buede
Theresa Buede combines the energetics of nutrition with the re-mapping of negative brain wave patterns to restore inner balance. She is a certified Health Coach and advanced student of quantum physics, providing education and personalized wellness programs. As a cancer survivor through holistic methods, she specializes in helping others release the fear associated with this condition and replace i...
Body, Mind and Spirit - Living It
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Leslie R Kane, LCSW LMC
Leslie is a licensed medical social worker specializing in healing through the mind-body connection. Certified in life coaching, and energy healing techniques, she assists clients with clearing energetic blockages to health, prosperity, and living their dreams.
Dreaming to Being
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Betty Mendez
Betty Mendez, Everyday Spirituality, providing complementary wellness therapies & strategies for health and vitality: Stress Management with Reiki, Laughter Yoga, Empowerment Drumming, Dance, EFT, Imagery Work. Everyday care of the mind-body-spirit for whole-body wellness.
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Kay H. Lowell, DCT(P)
Holistic Health Education and Services. We teach people to use safe and natural techniques that reduce stress, increase immune system functioning, and help you to live a happier and healthier life. Classes are approved for Continuing Education Hours.
Spiritual, Health, and Wellness Center
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