Change Your Beliefs - Change Your Life!

People associated with this business:
DIANA RINKOFF, M.A. Transpersonal Psychology
Contact phone number:
713 503-9104
Diana Rinkoff, M.A. Transpersonal Psychology is instrumental in unraveling difficult issues and bringing about instant change. Her approach combines Western Psychology with Eastern Philosophies and offers practical solutions. Each of us has beliefs, attitudes, values, and perceptions from past experiences which are stored in the subconscious mind. These subconscious beliefs create the perceptual filters through which we respond to life’s challenges. They form the basis for our actions and reactions to each situation in our lives. Diana uses proven methods of communicating with the subconscious mind to identify the underlying, limiting beliefs and then she cuts through all of our stories and effectively shifts and unravel the patterns that we may not even be aware of that are limiting our full potential and the ability to perform effectively, both personally and professionally. To learn more 713-503-9104

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