Crystal Bowls

People associated with this business:
Daniel Brower
Contact phone number:
Daniel Brower is a man on a mission…to share what he has learned about the crystal singing bowls during his sixteen years of playing them. He believes that they are instrumental in opening our crown chakra antenna to receive more of the cosmic consciousness. He shares the sounds of the crystal bowls wherever there is interest and open ears, minds and heart.

Daniel is founder and director of Circle of Sound, the only world-wide group of crystal bowl players uniting in concentration and sacred sounds regularly to elevate the consciousness of humanity. These dedicated players of the crystal bowls have been meeting every Equinox and Solstice in a Global Harmonization Ceremony since September of 2005, and are now found in 37 countries and in more than 150 locations around the planet. He has traveled extensively across the world over the last nine years to promote the crystal sounds of the bowls, Circle of Sound and the Global Harmonization Ceremony.

Daniel is now based in Houston and will be sharing these beautiful sounds in various venues throughout the area. He will be here until he returns to live in Capilla del Monte, Argentina, one of the most magical and energetic spots in South America.

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