Pamela Stockton, MA, LPC

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Pam Stockton
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Pam Stockton’s practice as a psychotherapist is devoted to helping people discover the inner resources that support flourishing in all areas of life. Pam’s warmth and empathic style communicate her trust that every life journey, however complex or difficult, offers sources of healing wisdom.

For many people, addressing anxiety, depression, or addictions is an essential first step on the journey. Tending unhealed trauma and emotional wounds, integrating lost or disowned parts, and recognizing limiting life patterns, likewise open gateways to enhanced vitality and thriving.

Pam’s skills as a guide through these passages are grounded in a combination of broad training and her own lived experience in the journey toward wholeness. Her perspectives and practices are drawn from professional and personal experience in Somatic Experiencing®, a gentle method of releasing trauma and restoring the body’s goodness, and Holotropic Breathwork™, a potent method of inner exploration and healing using accelerated breathing and emotionally evocative music. Fifteen years of daily meditation practice, study of varied contemplative and wisdom traditions, and twenty years’ experience as a business lawyer, together frame Pam’s practice as both spiritually open and practically grounded.

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