The Touch of Healing Institute; Licensed & Accredited by the Federation of Spiritual Healers

People associated with this business:
Pat Fleury, Bachelor of Science in Energy Medicine; Licensed Practitioner
Contact phone number:
281-469-2773 office 832-465-2156 cell
If you are interested in learning how to heal with your hands and heart.... join us at Touch of Healing Institute.

If you have deep emotional problems, such as trauma or drama in you life, come to a private or group EFT session.

If you are a Vet and have flashbacks or bizzare health problems associated with TBI or PTSD, come to 6 free sessions and see dramatic results.

If you desire to express your love for native american teachings and ceremony; join us. The ceremonies are conducted in Friendswood, Houston, Woodlands, Conroe, and even out of state. Would love to see you there.

Information is on our web site:

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